Can I Use Beach Coral in My Aquarium?

Coral is a living animal that grows off the coasts of many countries. It is usually sold dead and sterilized in chunks or as ground-up sand for use in aquariusms. Sometimes the sand is infused with healthy bacteria to help balance the water chemistry. Coral found on a beach or in coastal waters should never be used in an aquarium.
  1. Freshwater

    • According to "Tropical Fishlopaedia" by Mary Bailey &Peter Burgess, live or dead coral should never be used in freshwater aquariums. Live coral will die and dead coral will give off salt and kill the fish.


    • According to the Aquarium of the Pacific, any coral harvested from a beach may have pollution residue on it that can poison the fish and plants in a salt water tank.


    • "The Everything Aquarium Book" by Frank Indiviglio points out that it is illegal in many countries to remove live or dead coral from the wild.


    • Dead coral needs to be cleaned before being placed into a saltwater tank. It should soak overnight in a bucket of water with an 8 percent bleach solution added.


    • Artificial coral makes an attractive, legal and safe decoration in any type of tank, freshwater or salt water.