Importance of an Air Pump in Aquarium Tanks

Although they breathe water instead of air, all fish still rely on oxygen to stay alive. Some fish (like goldfish) can gulp air to get needed oxygen, but they do best when getting their oxygen from the water. Air pumps perform a lot of other functions for all kinds of freshwater and marine tanks as well. They are a vital part of any thriving tank.
  1. Powering Air Stones

    • By connecting an air hose to an air pump, air stones can provide much needed oxygen to the tank. But, as "The Everything Aquarium Book" notes, not all fish can tolerate strong air bubbles from air stones (see Resources). It's best to get an air pump that lets you adjust its force.

    Powering Filters

    • Some types of water filter systems--like protein skimmers, for example--need to be powered by an air pump in order to work.

    Keeping Water Fresh

    • Stagnant water is a breeding ground for biting insects. By keeping the water moving, it's too turbulent for insects to lay their eggs.

    Powering Ornaments

    • Many types of mobile tank ornaments will not move without the assistance of an air hose connected to an air pump.

    Get Two

    • "The Everything Aquarium Book" notes that because air pumps are so important to keeping a tank healthy that you should always keep a spare in case one stops working (see Resources).