How to Use Aquarium Air Pumps

Aquariums add beautiful additions to a home or business. The use of an air pump can add engaging highlights to your tank. For healthy fish, do not let the water stagnate. An air pump adds current to the water and assists in balancing PH, another essential step in keeping hearty fish. The bubbles it produces can turn a dull aquarium into a more dynamic display.


    • 1

      Decide what you want the air pump to accomplish. Air pumps can run under-gravel filtration systems, which can be an essential element to the health of the tank. They can also operate aquarium decorations that move, or air stones that diffuse large bubbles into a fine spray. Know what you want your air pump to operate in order to purchase the correct size.

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      Determine what size pump to purchase. To run an under-gravel filter as the tank's only source of filtration, purchase the most powerful model you can afford. Otherwise, follow these 2 simple rules of thumb: The more items an air pump is required to run, the more powerful it must be. Unless you own a goldfish bowl, your air pump can never be too powerful.

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      Purchase your air pump. Some models are noisier than others, so request a demonstration from the sales clerk. Make certain the pump sits on the counter, rather than in the salesperson's hand. Holding a pump muffles the sound.

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      Buy accessories for your pump. Purchase a check valve, air tubing and whatever items you want the pump to run. Air tubing comes in several sized packages. Be certain you have enough tubing to run every item. Check the number of accessories against the number of air nozzles on your pump. If you require more nozzles, purchase a control valve, or gang valve, with extra nozzles to extend the abilities of your pump. Ask a clerk for assistance to ensure your pump is large enough to accommodate additional nozzles.

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      Install your new air pump. Place it on the back of the aquarium hood, away from any openings, or on the stand behind the tank. Do not place air pumps inside the tank. Dampen the air nozzles, and slide on the air hose. Splice the check valve into the air hose several inches down from the pump. Ensure the check valve is not upside down. If you purchased a control valve, move on to step 6. Otherwise, disregard step 6 and proceed to step 7.

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      Mount the control valve. Hang it on the back of the aquarium, cutting a space into the hood if necessary. Run tubing from the air pump to the valve input nozzle. Add tubing to an output nozzle for each accessory. Turn off unused nozzles to prevent air loss.

    • 7

      Install the accessories. If you are setting up an under-gravel filter system, you must install it before moving on to accessory items. Attach the ends of the air hoses to the accessories. The longer the air hose, the less power to the item. Air hoses should be custom clipped to the shortest acceptable size. Ensure the air pump, its cord, and the check valve are all safely away from the water. Position the cord into a drip loop, and plug it in. All items should begin working immediately. If any items are non-functional, check the air tube connections and ensure the control valve nozzles are in the correct position.