Instructions for the Octopus LX2000

The Super Reef Octopus LX2000 is a protein skimmer designed to hang on the back of a saltwater aquarium. Protein skimmers use tiny air bubbles to collect and filter out organic waste before it has a chance to contaminate the tank. The Octopus LX2000 is considered to be one of the more simple protein skimmers to install. It comes standard with a two-year warranty from the manufacturer, Coral Vue. The Octopus LX2000 works on tanks up to 150 gallons and comes ready to use upon installation. With regular cleaning and maintenance, the Octopus LX2000 should provide years of service.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
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  1. Installation

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      Hang the skimmer on the back of the aquarium. The clear plastic water collection cup should be on the inside of the tank with the motor and large portion of the skimmer hanging behind the tank.

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      Use a screwdriver to tighten the leveling screw, adjusting the Octopus skimmer to make it level, if necessary. Continue to tighten the screw until the skimmer is held firmly in place. Plug the skimmer into an outlet or power strip.

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      Pour tank water into the skimmer chamber until the water is about 8 inches deep. Hold on to the silencer, blocking it with one finger, while you turn on the pump. As soon as the pump has pulled one full siphon of water, remove your finger from the silencer.

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      Adjust and tighten the cup screw, as needed, to hold the collection cup in place. The user's manual recommends placing the cup in the highest position at first and adjusting its height as necessary as the skimmer is broken in.

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      Put the cover on and allow the skimmer three to four weeks to break in and operate at its full potential. If the power goes out or the skimmer is turned off during this initial break-in period, follow the same procedure for starting the pump.


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      Empty and clean the collection cup at least once a week. Depending on the condition of your tank and the amount of waste produced through feeding and by your fish, you may need to empty the collection cup more often.

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      Rinse the blue sponge in fresh water once a week. This prevents buildup of organic matter and other debris and improves the function of the protein skimmer.

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      Clean the entire pump every four to six months using a solution of one part vinegar and one part water. You may need to clean your pump more often if your water has a tendency to cause calcium or other mineral buildup.