- Rummy nose tetras: These tetras are slightly larger than neon tetras, but they are just as peaceful and easy to care for. They have a distinctive red nose and a silvery body, which makes them a beautiful addition to any tank.
- Cardinal tetras: These tetras are slightly more expensive than neon tetras and rummy nose tetras, but they are also stunningly beautiful. They have a bright red body and a black stripe running through their eyes.
- Corydoras catfish: These small, bottom-dwelling catfish are peaceful and helpful algae eaters. They are also very hardy and easy to care for, making them great tank mates for guppies.
- Otocinclus catfish: These small, suckermouth catfish are also helpful algae eaters. They are slightly more sensitive than corydoras catfish, but they are still relatively easy to care for.
- Cherry shrimp: These small, red shrimp are peaceful and easy to care for. They are also prolific breeders, so you may soon have a colony of shrimp in your tank.
- Amano shrimp: These larger, brown shrimp are also peaceful and easy to care for. They are not as prolific breeders as cherry shrimp, but they are still a great addition to any tank.