Where can an investigatory project be found that is about fish food or the growth of fed different kinds food?

Here are a few resources where you can find investigatory projects about fish food or the growth of fish fed different kinds of food:

1. Google Scholar: This academic search engine allows you to search for scholarly articles, theses, and dissertations related to your topic. You can use keywords such as "fish food," "fish growth," "aquaculture," and "fish nutrition" to find relevant projects.

2. Academic Library Databases: Most universities and colleges subscribe to academic databases that provide access to academic journals, conference proceedings, and other research materials. Some databases that may contain relevant projects include Web of Science, Scopus, and JSTOR.

3. Fishery and Aquaculture Research Institutes: Many government agencies and research institutes focus on fishery and aquaculture research. Check the websites of these organizations to see if they have published any investigatory projects related to fish food or growth. Some examples include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the WorldFish Center.

4. Scientific Journals: Journals dedicated to fisheries and aquaculture research often publish investigatory projects. Some relevant journals include Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, and the Journal of Fish Biology. You can browse the tables of contents of these journals online or through your institution's library subscription.

5. Conference Proceedings: Scientific conferences and symposia often publish proceedings that include research papers and abstracts. Check the websites of relevant conferences to see if they have published any proceedings containing investigatory projects on fish food or growth. Some examples include the International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding and the World Aquaculture Society Conference.

Remember, accessing some of these resources may require an institutional login or subscription. If you are not affiliated with an academic institution, you may want to check with your local public library for access to these resources.