How are farm raised salmon produced?

Hatchery production:

1. Broodstock selection: Mature salmon are selected based on desirable traits such as fast growth, disease resistance, and preferred physical characteristics.

2. Spawning: Selected salmon are induced to spawn by replicating natural environmental cues such as changes in water temperature and photoperiod. Eggs are collected and fertilized in controlled hatchery conditions.

3. Incubation: Fertilized eggs are placed in incubators where they are monitored and provided with a constant supply of oxygen-rich water. The eggs hatch into alevins, which are sac fry that rely on their yolk sacs for nourishment.

4. Rearing: Once the alevins absorb their yolk sacs and begin to swim freely, they are transferred to larger tanks or raceways where they are fed a specially formulated diet.


1. Juvenile transfer: When the salmon reach a suitable size, usually several months old, they are transferred from the hatchery to open net pens or sea cages in coastal waters.

2. Net pens/sea cages: These enclosures are positioned in areas with strong currents and good water quality. The pens provide a controlled environment while allowing the fish access to natural seawater.

3. Feeding: Farmed salmon are fed a diet specifically designed to meet their nutritional requirements and promote rapid growth. This diet may include fish meal, fish oil, and other ingredients.

4. Health monitoring: Regular health checks are performed to monitor the salmon's well-being and prevent disease outbreaks.

5. Harvesting: When the salmon reach the desired market size, usually within one to three years, they are harvested. This involves carefully capturing the fish from the net pens and transporting them to processing facilities.