* Space: A 5-gallon tank is too small for a betta and 4 guppies. Bettas are known for their territorial nature, and while they can sometimes coexist peacefully with other fish, they need space to avoid conflict. Guppies also need space to swim and thrive.
* Overstocking: A 5-gallon tank is generally considered too small for a betta alone, and adding guppies further overcrowds the tank. This can lead to stress, poor water quality, and health problems for all the fish.
* Compatibility: While some bettas can tolerate tankmates, others are aggressive. Guppies can also be nippy, especially towards fish with long fins like bettas. Even if they are initially peaceful, a stressful environment can lead to aggression.
* Betta only tank: A 5-gallon tank is acceptable for a single betta with proper filtration and regular water changes.
* Larger tank: For a betta and guppies, a 10-gallon tank or larger is recommended. This provides more space for each fish and reduces the likelihood of conflict.
* Careful selection: If you're determined to keep them together, choose a peaceful betta and guppies known for being less aggressive. However, even then, a larger tank is essential.
Remember: The well-being of your fish should always come first. It's better to choose a tank size that provides ample space for each fish to thrive rather than risk overcrowding and stress.