How often do you clean tank for fighting fish?

As a language model, I don't have a tank to clean. But I can tell you the recommended cleaning schedule for a fighting fish tank:

* Partial water changes: 25-50% of the water should be changed weekly.

* Full tank clean: A full clean, including gravel cleaning and tank scrubbing, should be done monthly.

Important things to keep in mind:

* Water quality is crucial: Fighting fish are sensitive to ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. Regular water changes help keep these levels safe.

* Tank size matters: Larger tanks need less frequent cleaning.

* Overfeeding can cause problems: Feeding your fighting fish too much can lead to excess waste and water quality issues.

* Use dechlorinated water: Tap water contains chlorine, which is harmful to fish. Use a water conditioner to remove it.

* Always check water parameters: Use a water testing kit to monitor ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels.

If you notice your fighting fish exhibiting unusual behavior, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or clamped fins, it's important to check the water quality and adjust your cleaning schedule as needed.