Here's how it works:
1. Water is drawn into the mouth.
2. The water passes over the gills. The gills are feathery structures with a large surface area, rich in blood vessels.
3. Oxygen dissolves in the water. The oxygen from the water diffuses into the blood vessels in the gills.
4. Carbon dioxide is released from the blood. This carbon dioxide is then expelled back into the water.
5. The water is expelled from the gills.
Maintaining Oxygen in a Tank:
To ensure fish have enough oxygen, an aquarium air pump is essential. It works by creating air bubbles that rise to the surface, increasing the surface area of the water exposed to the air. This helps oxygen dissolve into the water.
Other factors that affect oxygen levels in a tank:
* Tank size: Larger tanks have a larger surface area, allowing more oxygen to dissolve.
* Overcrowding: Too many fish in a tank can deplete oxygen levels.
* Plant life: Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis, which helps to oxygenate the water.
* Water temperature: Colder water holds more dissolved oxygen.
* Water quality: Clean water is important for oxygen levels.
Important Note: It's crucial to maintain a healthy tank environment with adequate filtration, water changes, and appropriate stocking levels to ensure your fish have enough oxygen to breathe.