What kind of fish can stay in the same tank?

It's great you're thinking about compatibility! There are lots of factors to consider when putting fish together, and it's important to do your research.

Here are some key things to think about:

1. Temperament:

* Peaceful: These are great for beginners and can often be kept in groups. Examples include:

* Tetras (Neon, Cardinal, etc.)

* Guppies

* Platys

* Mollies

* Corydoras (Catfish)

* Semi-Aggressive: These fish might be okay with other peaceful species, but can become territorial or bully others. Examples:

* Angelfish

* Gouramis

* Discus

* Aggressive: These fish are best kept alone or in species-only tanks. Examples:

* Cichlids (Many varieties)

* Oscars

* Piranhas

2. Water Parameters:

* pH: Fish need specific pH levels to thrive. Make sure the species you choose have similar pH requirements.

* Temperature: Some fish prefer warmer water, others cooler.

* Hardness: This refers to the amount of minerals in the water.

3. Size and Space:

* Tank Size: Make sure your tank is big enough to accommodate the adult size of your fish. Overcrowding can cause stress and disease.

* Swimming Space: Some fish need open space to swim, while others are more comfortable in densely planted tanks.

4. Diet:

* Herbivores: Eat mainly plants.

* Carnivores: Eat mainly meat.

* Omnivores: Eat a mix of plants and meat.

* Make sure your fish can access a varied diet.

5. Social Behavior:

* Some fish are better kept in schools, while others prefer to be alone.

* Consider how your fish will interact with each other.

Research is Key:

The best way to determine compatibility is to research each species thoroughly. Online resources like FishLore, Seriously Fish, and Aquarium Advice are great starting points. Look for information on their:

* Temperament

* Tank size requirements

* Water parameters

* Diet

* Social behavior

Example of a Compatible Community Tank:

* Neon Tetras: Peaceful, schooling fish.

* Corydoras Catfish: Peaceful bottom dwellers.

* Ghost Shrimp: Peaceful, scavengers.

* Java Fern and Anubias: Plants that can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

Remember: Even compatible fish can become territorial or aggressive, especially if overcrowded or stressed. Closely observe your fish and be prepared to separate or re-home them if needed.

Enjoy your journey into the world of freshwater aquariums!