55gal tank with 10 tiger barbs 12 neons 3 bala sharks 5 guppies 2 corie cats dwarf gouramis 1 Chinese algae eater catfish and plecostomus is that too many fish?

That's a lot of fish for a 55-gallon tank! Here's why it's likely too many:

* Bioload: Each fish contributes to the bioload of the tank, meaning the amount of waste they produce. Too many fish overwhelm the beneficial bacteria that break down waste, leading to ammonia and nitrite spikes, which are dangerous to your fish.

* Space: While a 55-gallon tank seems large, you have many different species, each with its own space requirements. Tiger barbs, for example, are semi-aggressive and need plenty of room to roam.

* Stress: Overcrowding causes stress for fish. They may exhibit aggression, hide, or lose their appetite.

Here's a more appropriate stocking for a 55-gallon tank:

* Tiger Barbs: 6-8 (they need space)

* Neon Tetras: 12-15 (they're peaceful)

* Bala Sharks: 1-2 (they get very large)

* Guppies: 5-10 (they breed easily)

* Corydoras Catfish: 6-8 (they're active and great bottom dwellers)

* Dwarf Gouramis: 1-2 (they can be territorial)

* Chinese Algae Eater: 1 (this species is best kept in a larger tank)

* Plecostomus: 1 (this species grows very large)

Important Considerations:

* Tank Size: Even with this revised stocking, you'll need to monitor water parameters closely. A larger tank is always better, but a 55-gallon tank is adequate for this number of fish if you have a strong filtration system and do regular water changes.

* Fish Compatibility: Always consider fish compatibility before adding them to your tank. Make sure the fish you choose can live together peacefully and have similar water parameters.

* Aquascaping: Aquascaping provides your fish with hiding places and reduces stress. Include plenty of plants, caves, and rocks.

Before adding any more fish, research the specific needs of each species and ensure you have a good understanding of their bioload and compatibility. This will ensure your fish stay healthy and happy in their tank!