Where do you leave the fish when are cleaning tank?

You should never leave fish in the tank while cleaning it! It's important to remove them to a safe, temporary container before cleaning.

Here's why:

* Chemicals: Cleaning products, even if "fish-safe," can still be harmful in concentrated amounts.

* Water quality: Cleaning disrupts the water chemistry and can cause spikes in ammonia and nitrates, which are toxic to fish.

* Stress: Cleaning can be stressful for fish, and being in a dirty tank while cleaning can make it worse.

Here's what you should do:

1. Prepare a safe temporary container: This could be a bucket, a separate aquarium, or even a large plastic tub. Make sure the water is dechlorinated and at the same temperature as your main tank.

2. Gently net your fish: Use a net that's large enough to avoid injuring them. Be careful not to scare them.

3. Clean your tank thoroughly: Follow your usual cleaning routine.

4. Return the fish to their clean tank: Make sure the water is the same temperature before you add them back.

Never leave fish in the tank while cleaning!