How to Maintain a Goldfish With a 5-Gallon Tank

Goldfish have been kept as ornamental pets for thousands of years. Related to the carp, this fish can grow up to a foot in length and live many years if well kept. Many authorities claim that each goldfish needs at least six gallons of water for proper health but it is possible to maintain a pet fish in a five gallon tank if it is well cared for.

Things You'll Need

  • Tank
  • Tank gravel
  • Decorations and plants
  • Filter
  • Fish food
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  1. Setting Up

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      Season the tank gravel, plants and sculptures that you will be placing in your tank by soaking them in room temperature filtered water (similar water to what you will use for the tank) for a day before setting up your tank. Do not use soap.

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      Place the ornaments inside the tank and attach the filter to the top of it, plugging the filter into the wall only when the tank has been filled with water.

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      Fill the fish tank with filtered water and let it sit for several hours before putting your goldfish in it.

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      Float the bag that holds your new fish in the tank water for at least an hour to allow it to adjust to the water temperature in the tank. Open the bag with your goldfish in it and gently pour the water and goldfish into the tank with its room temperature water and seasoned ornaments. The fish will adjust to the motion of the filtered water quickly.


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      Run the tank filter at all times as the small size of the tank necessitates cleaner water.

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      Vacuum the gravel of the tank with a siphon hose to remove settled waste and dirty water. Remove about 1/4 of the water during this process and then add filtered room temperature water to replace the water you removed. Perform this water change every few days. Generally this is a once-a-week step but the smaller tank size demands more frequent cleanings.

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      Clean the tank once a week. Place the fish and some of its tank water in a separate container. Scrub the inside of the tank with a clean sponge. Replace the goldfish with the water it has been in once the tank is clean. Do not empty the tank of all the water during this process.

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      Feed the fish with fish food every day by sprinkling food on the water. Sprinkle only the amount the fish will eat in five minutes. If there is still food after five minutes then you have overfed the fish.