How to Quickly Remove Nitrites & Nitrates from Fish Tanks

High nitrite and nitrate levels are a symptom of new tank syndrome and develop in the second and third stage of the nitrogen cycle. Nitrite and nitrate levels also peak when there is excess waste due to inadequate tank maintenance. Both chemicals are harmful to fish. If these chemicals are not removed, your fish will die without any visible sign of disease or infection. You cannot see nitrite or nitrate, and your water may look clean and healthy when levels are extremely high. Take immediate action if you suspect elevated nitrite and nitrate levels in your aquarium.

Things You'll Need

  • Siphon
  • Bucket
  • Floating thermometer
  • Broad-spectrum water dechlorinator
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    • 1

      Remove approximately half the water in your aquarium.

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      Siphon the gravel to remove any trapped, uneaten food and fish waste. Do not take gravel out of the tank to wash it because you must maintain the beneficial microbe colonies in your gravel for a healthy aquarium.

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      Prepare fresh water in a bucket. Place a few drops of broad-spectrum water dechlorinator in a bucket and half-fill the bucket with tap water. Float a thermometer in the bucket of water and add warm or cold water until the temperature is the same as in your aquarium. Stir thoroughly then pour the treated water into your aquarium. Repeat the process until your aquarium's water level is back to normal.