How to Use Ceramic Bio Rings in a Canister Filter

Ceramic bio rings are permeable surfaces that foster plenty of valuable microbes in the canister filters of fish tanks. This surplus of benevolent bacteria these rings support helps maintain a healthy and balanced makeshift ecosystem by keeping toxic fish by-products such as ammonia and nitrite to a minimum within the tank. The procedure for using these bio rings in the canister filter is relatively simple and easy to follow and just requires opening the filter, placing alternating layers of bio rings and/or other bio media such as lava rock or sintered glass and sponge.

Things You'll Need

  • Ceramic bio rings
  • Canister filter
  • One coarse sponge
  • Two to Three fine sponges
  • Lava rock
  • Sintered glass
  • Fish tank
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    • 1

      Make sure the bio rings are free of all impurities before using them. Give them a thorough rinse under running water to make sure.

    • 2

      Open up the filter and set the bio rings on the bottom of the first tray. On top of the layer of bio rings, add a layer of course sponge. By alternating those two materials in this fashion, the combination will act as an extremely efficient mechanical filter and will be more resistant to becoming clogged over time (and won't need to be cleaned as often).

    • 3

      Add another layer of ceramic bio rings to starting at the second tray. On top of this layer of bio rings, add a layer of fine sponge.

    • 4

      Add a third layer of ceramic bio rings at the third tray of the filter. Insert another layer of fine sponge on top of this one.

    • 5

      Add a fourth layer of ceramic bio rings for the fourth tray if your filter has a fourth a tray. Repeat another layer of fine sponge on top of this one.

    • 6

      Secure the canister filter shut and reinstall the filter within your fish tank.