How to Set Up Gravel in a Fish Tank

Fish tank gravel comes in many shapes, sizes and colors--and many fish owners set up gravel in their tank for aesthetic reasons. But gravel can actually play a vital role in your fish tank's ecosystem. It provides ample surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow, which recycle the tank waste. One quarter inch of bacteria is all you really need on the floor of your fish tank. Thick layers of gravel can actually promote unsanitary conditions in the tank by harboring waste that the filter can't remove.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 gallon bucket
  • Container
  • Strainer
  • Saucer
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    • 1

      Clean the gravel. Place a few cups of gravel into the strainer at a time. Let a slow stream of faucet water flow over the gravel and into a five-gallon bucket placed beneath the strainer. Sift and rub the rocks with your hands. Once the water that flows over them comes out clean in the bucket below, place the clean gravel in another container and move on to another few cups of gravel until all of the gravel is clean. Label both containers "aquarium use only" and do not use them for any other purpose.

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      Rinse your fish tank out with water. Do not use detergents. Some residue will inevitably be left behind and they could be harmful to your fish.

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      Spread the gravel over the bottom of your fish tank.

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      Add any other fish tank elements, like rocks or castles.

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      Fill your fish tank with water. Avoid disturbing the gravel in your tank by placing a saucer in the middle of the gravel layer and pouring the tank's water over it.