Well Water & Fish

Some aquarists prefer to use well water in their fish tanks. Well water can be better for fish than tap water, but it must be tested and monitored just as tap water would be. Here are some facts about well water and fish.
  1. Depth

    • Deep wells are less likely to contain contaminants that could be harmful to fish than shallow wells.


    • Well water is often hard, meaning it contains a lot of minerals. This can make it more difficult to change the pH level of the water in an aquarium if necessary.


    • An advantage of using well water over tap water in a fish tank is that well water does not contain chlorine, a chemical that will kill fish.


    • Well water should be aerated for a few hours before it is added to a fish tank.


    • Because wells are not monitored like municipal water supplies, well water should be tested before it is used in a fish tank. This way potential problems can be spotted and corrected.