The Initial Basics of Fish Tank Maintenance
The placement of the tank needs to be taken into consideration. It should be put in an area that is easily accessible, where there is enough space to do the necessary cleaning. The tank size comes into play, as well. Actually, the larger the tank the less upkeep is required. This is because the bigger the tank the more water it contains, which is indicative that the fish waste, particles and chemicals will have a larger area to be scattered. Cleaning the aquarium does not require a tremendous amount of time. It is worth the effort because by removing the algae, it beautifies the look aesthetically, and will help extend the life of the fish.
The Filtration System
By using an algae magnet or scraper, the algae may be removed easily. In addition, any dead leaves from plants living in the aquarium should be taken outl. It is necessary to have a quality filtration system for a healthy environment for the fish. The filter medium needs to be removed and cleaned by spraying water on it. It should be replaced when it shows signs of wear. Some people have a biological filtration system which allows the healthy bacteria to grow and, thereby, maintains the right level of nitrite. The mechanical filter is a box placed in the tank that helps to filter out the particles and waste. A chemical filter utilizes chemical resins or carbon to eliminate the waste.
Basic Maintenance for the Aquarium
Keep watch over the water temperature because it has the tendency to change during the day. Test it each morning and evening. It is a good idea to keep a chart to record the facts. Keep a close eye on the lights, heater and filter. Observe the behavior of the fish to make sure they are swimming normally. Check the water to make sure it is not cloudy or has a bad smell. If the water needs changing, use a siphon hose to remove the floating particles or use a bucket to siphon 15% of the water. Clean the glass using a spray window cleaner and cloth. Make sure to keep the spray away from the water.
Fish Tank Maintenance
For your fish to live in a healthy setting, it is vital to maintain the aquarium for their benefit. If it is not given the proper attention, it can jeopardize the life of your fish. A regular schedule should be implemented in its maintenance. If there is a overabundance of fish, then there will be more food bits and waste that makes the job of cleaning that much more important. It is best to have a moderate amount of fish from the beginning.