About Fish Tank Cleaning Supplies

Fish tanks have a tendency to get dirty quickly, which you probably already know if you have one. Algae forms by the hour and can quickly leave the water in your green and unhealthy for anything living inside. Make sure you arm yourself with the proper fish tank cleaning supplies even before you put your tank together.
  1. Scraper

    • This is one of the most basic and important supplies to clean your fish tank with. These have a long handle and a flat, plastic or metal side that is used to scrape off algae clung to the side of a fish tank.

    Siphon Tube

    • A siphon tube will be needed to clear out the water from the fish tank when changing it and also to lean debris and excess fish food from the rocks at the bottom of the tank. Make sure to get one with a grate on it to avoid picking things up that are part of the tank, such as rocks or even fish.

    Glass Cleaner

    • Special fish tank glass cleaner is available that should be used to clean the fish tank once the water is removed. This will get rid of excess algae, slime and bacteria.


    • This is more important as a cleaning supply than most people give it credit for. Use a toothbrush with hard bristles to clean out tank filters and hard to reach places, including the intersecting corners of the tank.

    Net Soak

    • This is a cleaning supply that will actually clean out the nets you use to catch and transfer your fish in and out of the tank during the cleaning process. It helps prevent diseases from forming on the net and helps them last longer.