How to Keep a Malaysian Trumpet Snail

The Malaysian trumpet snail, also known as MTS, is a small elongated snail that is a valuable asset in planted aquariums. They are an invertebrate that lives and breaths under water. These small creatures eat dead leaves, decaying plants, algae and aerate the substrate to prevent anaerobic bacterial formations. The Malaysian trumpet snail multiplies parthenogenetically. MTS burrow into the gravel during the day and perform their janitorial duties at night.

Things You'll Need

  • pH strips
  • Baking soda, epsom salt and/or marine salt
  • Milliliter measuring scale
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      Check the pH of the water. The MTS prefer hard water between 6.5 to 7.0. Adjust the pH factor of the water accordingly. Add baking soda, epsom salt and/or marine salt to attain the proper pH balance. The MTS require in hard water to keep their shells hard.

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      Place the MTS in an aquarium with water temperature suitable for a fish. These small snails adapt to any water temperature that will accommodate a fish. They prefer water between 68 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Allow the MTS to search out and eat dead plant and fish matter accumulated at the bottom of the tank along with algae.

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      Avoid placing medication or food in the aquarium that contains copper. Copper is poisonous to Malaysian trumpet snails.