How to Clean the Algae in an Acrylic Fish Tank With Bleach

Green algae are one of the types of algae that commonly occur in aquariums. When the water starts to turn green or you see green plant life growing on the aquarium walls, chances are that green algae is spreading. Algae will grow quickly when it has the right combination of sunlight and nutrients. Some algae growth in aquariums is normal, but excessive growth will force owners to clean their acrylic fish tank with bleach.

Things You'll Need

  • Bleach
  • Clean water
  • Paper towels
  • Empty bucket
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      Create a bleach solution to soak rocks, gravel, plastic plants and non-porous aquarium equipment that has algae on it. Fill an empty bucket with the bleach solution that is large enough to hold all of the items. When mixing the solution in should be 9 parts water to 1 part bleach and an example of that would be 9 cups of water to 1 cup of bleach.

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      Place your aquarium items into the bucket. You will want the rocks, gravel, plastic plants and equipment to soak for 10 to 15 minutes in the bucket. Make sure the items are fully submerged. Wipe the items with a paper towel to remove any algae gunk after 15 minutes. Once they are done soaking in the bleach solution, place them in a bucket full of clean water. Let them soak for 15 minutes in clean water to help get the bleach residue off the items. Rinse everything off one more time in a sink or with a hose and allow the items to air dry before placing them back into an aquarium.

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      Remove your fish from your acrylic aquarium into a separate container. Make sure the container is large enough to hold your fish comfortably and fill it with water currently in the aquarium.

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      Start to clean your aquarium by creating a 10 percent bleach solution. Do this by emptying your aquarium, than refilling it with warm water. Place the appropriate amount of bleach into the aquarium, and let it soak for 15 minutes. Empty the aquarium and let it soak for 15 minutes in clean water. Wipe any gunk that is present off on the walls or bottom of your acrylic fish tank with a paper towel. A paper towel will prevent any scratches from occurring to the walls. Empty that water after 15 minutes and thoroughly rinse the aquarium. Let the aquarium air dry completely before filling it back up with water.

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      Run your filters and get your water back up to the appropriate temperature and pH before placing your fish back into the aquarium. After the gravel, plants and non-porous aquarium equipment has dried, it can be placed back into the aquarium.