You have inherited a filthy goldfish tank with 3 living How should it be cleaned out?

Here are the steps on how to clean a filthy goldfish tank with 3 living fish:

Step 1: Prepare for the cleaning.

- Before you start cleaning the tank, gather all the necessary supplies. This includes a water conditioner, a gravel vacuum, a sponge, and a clean bucket.

- Turn off the filter and heater in the tank.

- Remove the lid of the tank.

Step 2: Remove the fish from the tank.

- Use a net to carefully catch the fish and transfer them to a temporary holding container. Make sure the container has fresh, dechlorinated water.

Step 3: Remove the decorations and the gravel from the tank.

- Take out any decorations or plants from the tank.

- Use a gravel vacuum to remove the gravel from the bottom of the tank. Be sure to vacuum up any debris or dirt that has accumulated.

Step 4: Clean the decorations and gravel.

- Rinse the decorations and plants under running water.

- If any decorations or plants are too dirty, you can soak them in a solution of bleach and water for a few minutes. Rinse them thoroughly with water before putting them back in the tank.

Step 5: Clean the inside of the tank with the sponge and water.

- Use a sponge that has been dampened with water to wipe down the inside of the tank. Be sure to remove any algae or dirt that has accumulated.

Step 6: Add water conditioner to the tank.

- Fill the tank with fresh, dechlorinated water. Add water conditioner to the water, following the directions on the product label.

Step 7: Put the gravel and decorations back in the tank.

- Add the gravel and decorations back into the tank. Make sure to arrange them in a pleasing way.

Step 8: Put the fish back in the tank.

- Carefully transfer the fish from the holding container back into the tank.

Step 9: Turn on the filter and heater.

- Turn the filter and heater back on.

Step 10: Observe the tank and make sure that the fish are doing well.

- Keep an eye on the fish for a few minutes to make sure that they are not stressed or injured. If any of the fish appear to be in distress, take them out of the tank and consult with a veterinarian.

Step 11: Enjoy your clean goldfish tank!