* Bears: Brown bears and black bears are known to fish for trout in rivers and lakes.
* Otters: River otters are skilled swimmers and predators of trout.
* Raccoons: Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and will eat trout when they can catch them.
* Mink: These semi-aquatic mammals also prey on trout.
* Osprey: Known as "fish hawks," osprey specialize in catching fish, including trout.
* Kingfishers: These colorful birds dive into the water to catch trout.
* Mergansers: These diving ducks are adapted to catching fish, with serrated bills that help them secure their prey.
* Herons: Great blue herons and other heron species will often stalk and hunt trout in shallow water.
* Pike: Larger pike species are apex predators in many freshwater environments and will prey on trout.
* Bass: Largemouth bass and smallmouth bass can be significant predators of trout.
* Walleye: These fish are nocturnal predators and will target trout at night.
* Bull trout: This large trout species will sometimes prey on smaller trout.
Insects and Other Invertebrates:
* Dragonflies and Damselflies: These flying insects lay their eggs in water, and the larval stage is a major food source for young trout.
* Caddisflies: These aquatic insects are also a crucial food source for trout.
* Mayflies: These insects are a vital part of the trout's diet.
It's important to remember that these are just some of the animals that hunt trout. There are many other predators, depending on the specific location and environment.