Here's a breakdown:
* Large size: Both species can grow to impressive sizes, making them apex predators in their respective niches.
* Open ocean habitat: Both whale sharks and tuna are pelagic species, meaning they inhabit the open ocean.
* Filter feeding: While tuna are not filter feeders, they do sometimes consume plankton, which is also the main food source for whale sharks.
* Diet: Whale sharks are filter feeders, consuming plankton, krill, and small fish. Tuna are primarily carnivores, feeding on larger fish, squid, and other marine animals.
* Feeding strategy: Whale sharks passively filter food from the water, while tuna actively hunt their prey.
* Body shape: Whale sharks have a flattened, shark-like body, while tuna have a more streamlined, torpedo-like shape.
* Reproduction: Whale sharks are oviparous (egg-laying), while tuna are viviparous (give birth to live young).
* Food: There is some overlap in their diet, particularly regarding plankton. However, tuna primarily focus on larger prey, while whale sharks filter feed on smaller organisms.
* Habitat: Both species occupy the same open ocean habitats, leading to potential competition for resources.
Overall, the relationship between whale sharks and tuna is one of co-existence with some degree of competition for resources, particularly food and habitat. They are both large, successful predators in the ocean, and their differing feeding strategies and body shapes allow them to thrive in their respective niches.