However, some fish species have specialized adaptations that allow them to see well in both environments:
* Four-eyed fish: These fish have eyes that are divided into two sections by a horizontal band. The top section sees above the water, and the bottom section sees below. This allows them to look for food both in the water and on land.
* Fish with large, upward-facing eyes: Some fish, like the silverfish, have large, upward-facing eyes that allow them to see well above the water surface. This helps them to detect predators and prey.
* Fish with reflective tapetum lucidum: Many fish have a reflective layer behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum, which helps them to see better in low light conditions. This is especially useful for fish that live in deep water or murky environments.
While these adaptations help fish see in different ways, they don't allow them to simultaneously see both above and below the water with a single eye.