How long do fish stay alive?

Fish lifespan varies greatly depending on the species. Here's a breakdown:

Short-Lived Fish:

* Guppies: 2-5 years

* Goldfish: 10-20 years (some varieties may live longer)

* Betta fish: 2-5 years

* Neon Tetras: 2-5 years

Medium-Lived Fish:

* Angelfish: 10-15 years

* Clownfish: 10-30 years

* Discus: 10-15 years

Long-Lived Fish:

* Koi: 50-100 years (with proper care)

* Sturgeon: 50-100 years

* Rockfish: 100+ years (some species)

* Greenland Shark: Up to 400 years

Factors Influencing Lifespan:

* Species: The most obvious factor.

* Environment: Water quality, temperature, food availability, and predators all play a role.

* Genetics: Some fish are simply predisposed to longer lives.

* Care: Proper care, including a healthy diet, regular water changes, and a suitable environment, can significantly extend a fish's lifespan.

It's important to note that these are just general guidelines. There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how long a fish will live.