* Sharks (a): Sharks have a unique system. They conserve water by producing a concentrated urine, but they also retain urea in their blood, which helps them maintain osmotic balance with the salty ocean water.
* Freshwater salmon (c): Freshwater salmon need to conserve salt and excrete excess water. They produce a large volume of dilute urine to achieve this.
* Humans (d): Humans produce a moderate volume of urine depending on their hydration level and other factors.
* Marine bony fish (b): Marine bony fish live in a hypertonic environment (meaning the seawater has a higher salt concentration than their bodies). To prevent dehydration, they need to constantly drink seawater and excrete excess salt. They produce a very small volume of highly concentrated urine to minimize water loss.
Therefore, marine bony fish have the lowest volume of urine production due to their need to conserve water in a salty environment.