However, some rivers are known for their abundant salmon runs and have historically supported large populations:
* The Yukon River: This river system in Alaska and Canada is known for its vast salmon runs, particularly Chinook salmon.
* The Fraser River: Located in British Columbia, Canada, this river is famous for its Sockeye salmon runs.
* The Columbia River: This river flows through Washington and Oregon, USA, and is known for its Chinook, Sockeye, and Coho salmon.
* The Sacramento River: This river in California, USA, supports a significant Chinook salmon population.
* The Snake River: This river in Idaho, USA, is known for its salmon runs, particularly Chinook and Sockeye.
It's important to note that salmon populations are under threat from various factors, including overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change.
To learn more about specific river systems and their salmon populations, you can explore resources from organizations like:
* The Pacific Salmon Commission: [](
* The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): [](
* The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission: [](