How to Breed Pink & Black Convict Cichlids

Cichlids are among the most personable and interactive of all fish, and convict cichlids are among the more interesting to watch. Another advantage of cichlids is that they are relatively easy to breed in the home aquarium, and unlike many other fish, cichlids are very good parents, taking care of their offspring and using their size and power to fend off other fish and would-be intruders.

Things You'll Need

  • Rocks
  • Driftwood
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      Create a number of caves and other hiding places throughout the aquarium to give the convict cichlids a suitable place to hide and set up their own territories. Convict cichclids are cave spawners, and they will breed much more readily if they have plenty of space to set up their families in those safe caves.

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      Feed your convict cichlids a high-quality diet, including a flake food made specifically for them as well as a variety of frozen and live food. Brine shrimp is an excellent choice for spawning convict cichlids. Bloodworms also are a favorite treat, and they can put those convict cichlids into breeding condition quickly.

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      Purchase a few pairs of convict cichlids. The staff at the local pet store should be able to help you select males and females in both pink and black varieties. Place the cichlids into the tank and give them plenty of time to become acclimated and to form their breeding partnerships.

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      Watch the cichlids carefully for signs of spawning, including the fish hanging at the entrance to their caves and becoming more territorial than normal. When she is ready, the female will lay her eggs, and the male will fertilize them.

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      Look for the newly hatched fry to emerge from the cave, then add a quality fry food to the water. Both the adult convicts and the baby fish will appreciate newly hatched brine shrimp.