Fish Compatible With Cichlids

The cichlid species of fishes can present compatibility issues. This incredibly diverse group (over 1,000 species) includes South American cichlids, as well as the African species. This makes it very hard to categorize the needs and personalities of cichlids as tank mates. Compatibility for these intelligent and often personable fish is determined by fish behavior, water requirements and tank size. Some cichlid breeds can live in a mixed fish region-specific or community tank, but some can not.
  1. South American Cichlids

    • These cichlids may be housed in a tank with geographically related species. Neons and other tetra species (hatchetfish, lemon tetra), danios, some loaches, and guppies do well in tanks with discus or angelfish. These smaller fish serve as "activity" fish in the tank. Catfish are also suitable in these set-ups. Some large cichlids, such as the curious and friendly oscar, do best alone or with a large catfish (pleco).

    Dwarf Cichlids

    • This group includes the apistogramma and aequidens varieties. These skittish fish can be aggressive during spawning. They generally do well in a community with smaller catfish, peaceful loaches, rainbow fish, danios, tetras and guppies. The tetras, danios and guppies do sometimes harass them during spawning. The smaller fish have open and confident personalities that help socialize and calm these cichlids. Bettas can be good tank mates for dwarfs since they tend to be slow swimming and docile.


    • These are the mouth-brooding cichlids that collect their fry into their mouths. These fish do well with other peaceful cichlids including some Africans such as the vegetarian mbuna. They do well with bettas, catfish, clown loaches and botias, as well as tetra species.

    African Species

    • These cichlids from the Rift Lakes and Victoria Lake can be aggressive depending on the breed. All of these cichlids require a higher pH. Generally they are housed in species-specific tanks, but some varieties do well with high pH tolerant loaches, botias, tetras, pleco catfish and large danios.