How to Keep Minnows Caught From a Stream

Keeping wild minnows is as simple as providing them a good home and plenty to eat. There are many species of wild minnows. According to the Virtual Aquarium at Virginia Tech, the largest is the Colorado pike minnow, which can reach 6 feet in length. While this is impressive, most minnows are under 6 inches long and are known as a social fish.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium (10-gallon minimum)
  • Water
  • Objects the fish can use for hiding (plastic plants, toys, etc.)
  • Fish food
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      Fill your aquarium with water that is between 60 degrees and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, according to Friends of Fish. It is not recommended to use a tank smaller than 10 gallons due to the social nature of these fish. They need neighbors, but they also don't like to be crowded.

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      Feed your minnows a variety of foods at first--try goldfish flakes, shrimp brine, freeze-dried blood worms or insects and even bits of greens, torn into tiny pieces. If using goldfish pellets, pre-soak them for easy consumption.

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      Clean the tank once a week, as for any fish. While minnows will ingest some algae, they will not keep your tank free of it.