How to Breed Painted Glass Fish

Painted glass fish are among the most fascinating of all aquarium fish. As the name implies, these small fish are completely transparent, with their bones and organs visible inside their bodies. These fish are set off by a colorful stripe at the top of their bodies, and a tank full of these unique fish is a beautiful sight. Breeding these fish is not easy, but there are some things hobbyists can do to increase their chances of success.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Java moss
  • Spare tank
  • Magnifying glass
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      Purchase at least five or six painted glass fish from your local pet store or aquarium retailer. Painted glass fish are notoriously hard to sex, even for experienced fish keepers, so your best chance of getting a mated pair is to purchase a large number of fish. Fortunately, painted glass fish are lovely schooling fish, so they should do quite well in a group.

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      Place several clumps of Java moss throughout the tank. Java moss is an excellent choice for a spawning tank, since it is very dense and provides plenty of hiding places for the newly hatched fry. Java moss is also an easy plant to keep alive, and it grows quite rapidly.

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      Watch the painted glass fish for signs of eggs. Since these fish are translucent, hobbyists are often able to spot the eggs while they are still in the female's body.

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      Watch for signs of egg laying after you have identified the females who are carrying eggs. Use a magnifying glass to search the Java moss and other parts of the tank for the eggs.

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      Remove the adult painted glass fish to a separate tank after the eggs have been laid. Wait for the fry to hatch, then add a commercial fry food to the water to give the newborn fish the nourishment they need.