How to Setup a Fresh Water Fish Tank

Deciding to get fish is more than picking out interesting looking species. It's a hobby that requires special care. Fish can get sick and will need medical attention. You will have to be the one that provides it. Its essential to nourish fish from the moment you get them. It begins with setting of up the fish tank properly. Fresh tanks require less complicated set up measures than saltwater tanks. Although it still requires attention to detail. The task of properly setting up a fresh water tank will decrease any chances of future problems. Enjoy your fish by beginning your hobby in the right direction.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium gravel Filter Heater Decorations Aquarium vacuum Chlorine conditioner for fish Fish net Plate or bowl
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    • 1

      Decide what type of fish you want. Some fish need more space and different care. Determine the size tank for the fish to thrive in. Fish need 3 to 4 gallons per inch. A Pacu may be an inch when small but may grow up to 3 feet or bigger and will need at least a 75-gallon tank to survive.

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      Purchase a tank with all necessary items listed above. You will need one pound of gravel per gallon of water.

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      Consider purchasing live plants as they provide extra oxygen to the fish.

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      Clean the gravel, aquarium and decorations with warm water. Place the aquarium on a sturdy foundation far from vents and sunlight. Sunlight promotes the growth algae and bacteria.

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      Put gravel and decorations into the fish tank.

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      Place a plate or bowl in the middle of the fish tank. Hook the aquarium vacuum to the closest facet. Turn the facet on to lukewarm. Make sure the handle on the vacuum is turned off. Place the other end in the tank directed to the plate or bowl and turn handle to flow. Directing the flow to the center of the tank into the bowl or plate will help to keep plants and gravel in place. Turn the handle to "off" when tank is full.

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      Pour the chlorine conditioner into the tank according to the manufacturer's directions. Place the heater into the tank fifteen minutes before plugging it into outlet.

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      Place the filters according to the manufacturer's directions.

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      Allow your tank to cycle for a couple of days. Add a couple of fish to the tank by setting the bag of fish in the water for five minutes. Add some fish tank water into the bags and allow the fish to again sit in the tank in the bags for an additional 15 minutes. After fifteen minutes you may place the fish into the tank.