How to Care for Triops

A triop is a small shrimp. You will usually find triops in dry packs. The eggs in the dry pack will hatch anywhere from a day to a week after you put them in distilled water. Triops require very little care after they hatch.


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      Feed your triops. Triops spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank. Because of this, you should feed your triop small sinking pellet food. You may have to crush the pellets up some when your triops are very tiny.

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      Give your triops something to dig in. Triops are members of the shrimp family. They like to dig. Although they can live in a container without substrate, they will fare better in a container with substrate. Coral gravel is the best choice, but you can also use sand, aquarium rocks or soil.

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      Keep the water moving. Using an under gravel filter system is safe for triops. You can also use a bubble wall to keep the water moving. Keep in mind that a bubble wall doesn't provide any filtration.

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      Clean out your triop container. You need to do this at least once a week. You may find that you have to do it more often if you have a lot of triop in a small container. If you use a tank siphon, you should put three layers of panty hose over the vacuum end to prevent your triops from being sucked out of the tank.

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      Pay close attention to your triops. More than likely, they will breed. If you notice that a triop has eggs on its back leg, you should lower your water temperature to as close to 75 degrees as possible to give the eggs the best chance to hatch.

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      Watch for shedding. They will grow rapidly and shed their outer layer of skin. If you notice an incomplete shed, you may need to put some kelp in the water to add natural iodine and other minerals to the water. When they shed, they may eat the skin. It is fine if they do. If the shedded skin remains in the water more than a day, you should remove it.