Evaluate the three most common types of freshwater aquarium filters: under-gravel filters, wet/dry filters and canister filters. There are pros and cons to each one.
Be wary of under gravel filters. They are the least expensive filter you can buy, but they also tend to be among the least effective because they lack efficiency. Also, this type of filter tends to trap a lot of debris in the gravel and as that breaks down it can cause problems with your nitrate levels.
Know that wet/dry filters tend to be favorites among fish hobbyists because they offer easy access for cleaning. These filters also allow you to use good media for biological filtration, which means that they cultivate the good bacteria in your tank that help keep the water clean and healthy for the fish.
Understand canister filters. These usually offer good media for biological filtration and have excellent options for carbon or other types of chemical filtration. The biggest con with canister filters is that they are notoriously difficult to clean. Because of this, many fish hobbyists avoid them.
Consider the different options for your freshwater aquarium filter and your budget. Remember, you can always upgrade in the future if you feel your tank needs a different type of filtration.
How to Choose a Freshwater Aquarium Filter
The filtration system is an important part of any aquarium. When fish droppings break down, they release ammonia, which is toxic to fish. In a filtration system, bacteria convert the ammonia to nitrites and nitrites to nitrates. Then the filter eliminates the nitrates, keeping your fish healthy and the tank appealing to look at. Research before you choose a freshwater aquarium filter to make the best selection for your needs.