Add multiple specimens to your aquarium. Like other tetras, the serpae tetra should be kept in a small group, called a school. Keep at least six fish at once in your tank, though more is better. A group keeps the fish's aggressiveness -- tetras are notorious fin nippers -- within the school.
Offer a varied diet to prevent malnutrition. Feed the tetra twice a day, morning and night. Serpae tetras are not picky eats, so anything you offer should be devoured. Provide frozen, freeze-dried and flake foods, such as crushed fish flakes, bloodworms and brine shrimp.
Change the aquarium's water at least once a week. Remove at least 25 percent of the water either with a siphon or by dipping a plastic container in the water. Add fresh dechlorinated water (tap water treated with a chemical to neutralize chlorine, which is harmful to fish) back into the tank. You should change more water if you have a heavily stocked tank, 50 percent or larger.
How to Care for Serpae Tetras
The serpae tetra is a widely available fish that is ideal for beginner aquarium hobbyists. It's a hardy species that can survive varying water chemistries. It also makes a good addition to a community tank, provided several tetras are kept at once. The serpae tetra does not have any demanding care requirements.