What are three autotrophs found in an estuary?

1. Saltmarsh Cordgrass

- _Spartina alterniflora_

- Commonly found in the mid-intertidal zone of estuaries

- Highly salt-tolerant due to specialized tissues that excrete excess salt

2. Mangroves

- Various species of the families Rhizophoraceae, Avicenniaceae, and Combretaceae

- Found in tropical and subtropical estuaries where salinities are high and temperatures are warm

- Adapted with aerial roots that help stabilizes sediment and extract oxygen

3. Phytoplankton

- Microalgae such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria

- Float freely in the water column and use sunlight for photosynthesis

- Contribute significantly to primary production in estuaries, especially in the upper water column