Remoras attach themselves to sharks using a suction cup on the top of their head. They feed on scraps of food that the shark leaves behind, and they also use the shark for protection from predators. Sharks tolerate remoras because they do not cause them any harm, and they may even benefit from the cleaning services that the remoras provide.
Pilot fish swim in front of sharks and guide them to food. Pilot fish benefit from this relationship by getting a share of the food that the shark eats. Sharks tolerate pilot fish because they are helpful in finding food, and they do not pose a threat to the shark.
Suckerfish attach themselves to sharks using a suction cup on the bottom of their body. They feed on parasites and other small organisms that live on the shark's skin. Sharks tolerate suckerfish because they help to keep their skin clean and free of parasites.
Overall, the relationship between sharks and small fish is a mutually beneficial one. The fish benefit from the protection and food that the shark provides, and the shark benefits from the cleaning services and food finding abilities of the fish.