1. Spotted Barb (_Puntius binotatus_): Found in freshwater rivers, streams, and mountain lakes throughout the Philippines.
2. Native Barb (_Puntius sp._): Also known as "dalag," it is native to the Philippines and can be found in freshwater bodies, particularly in mountain streams.
3. Mindoro Barb (_Puntius sealei_): As the name suggests, this species is endemic to Mindoro Island and can be found in freshwater rivers and streams.
4. Palawan Barb (_Puntius palata_): Found in the freshwater habitats of Palawan Island, including rivers and streams.
5. Malabar Red Barb (_Puntius filamentosus_): While not strictly a native species, the Malabar Red Barb has been introduced to the Philippines and can be found in freshwater bodies.
6. Redtail Bristle Barb (_Puntius erythromicron_): Known for the red coloration of its tail fin, it is native to the Philippines and inhabits freshwater rivers and streams.
7. Golden Gourami (_Trichogaster trichopterus_): Not strictly a trout, but a native gourami species found in the Philippines. It inhabits freshwater rivers, streams, and ponds.
8. Spotted Knifefish (_Notopterus notopterus_): A fish species with a knife-like body and a spotted pattern. It is native to the Philippines and inhabits freshwater rivers and lakes.
9. Giant Gourami (_Osphronemus goramy_): A large gourami species found in the Philippines, inhabiting freshwater rivers, streams, and lakes.
10. Angelfish (_Pterophyllum sp._): While primarily known as an aquarium fish, there are wild populations of angelfish in the Philippines. They can be found in freshwater bodies, including rivers and lakes.
It is important to note that some trout species, such as the rainbow trout (_Oncorhynchus mykiss_), have been introduced to the Philippines for commercial and recreational purposes.