How many days does the fins of a fighting fish grows back?

The time it takes for a fighting fish's fins to grow back depends on the severity of the damage and the overall health of the fish. Here's a general timeline for fin regeneration in fighting fish:

1. Initial Damage: When the fins are first damaged, the injury site may appear red and inflamed. This is the initial stage of the healing process, where the body's immune system works to prevent infection.

2. Wound Healing: During the wound healing phase, new tissue starts to form around the damaged area. The fins may still appear ragged or torn at this point.

3. Regeneration: As the wound continues to heal, new fin rays begin to grow from the base of the damaged fins. The regeneration process can take several weeks to months, depending on the extent of the damage.

4. Complete Regrowth: Eventually, the fins will completely regrow and regain their normal shape and coloration. The regeneration process may take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

It's important to provide proper care and maintain good water conditions during the fin regeneration process to support the fish's recovery and overall well-being. Additionally, avoiding further injuries and minimizing stress factors in the aquarium can help speed up the healing process.