* Skin: The skin of whitening fish will appear pale, translucent, or milky white. The skin may often have a metallic sheen, and the scales may be more prominent than usual.
* Eyes: The eyes of whitening fish will be cloudy or opaque. The pupils may be dilated or constricted, and the iris may be discoloured.
* Gills: The gills of whitening fish will be pale or white. The filaments may be swollen or inflamed and the blood vessels may be visible.
* Flesh: The flesh of whitening fish will be soft and flabby. It may be discoloured and have an off odour.
* Bones: The bones of whitening fish will be brittle and easily broken.
If you see a whitening fish, it is important to avoid touching or eating it. Whitening fish can be a sign of several serious diseases, including bacterial infections and parasites.