- What would happen if bull trout went extinct?
- How do you identifie a fossil tooth i have found in the river Thames uk?
- How much do kingfishers weigh?
- Why are kingfishers called kingfishers?
- Do kingfishers fish in the sea?
- Is a kingfisher fresh water bird?
- What does not belong in this group bird crocodile frog trout and why?
- Where do toucans get there water from?
- How long do swans live?
- Can you find swans on an ocean?
- Why does a parrot fish sleep in bubble?
- Where are sea ears located?
- Is a herring gull multicellular?
- Why does heron have pointy long beak to catch fish?
- Why do the swallows return to Capistrano?
- Why is swimming in the ocean different from pools or lakes?
- What is the only warm blooded shark?
- Does a hipopotamus live on land and water?
- Who was Susie Salmon?
- A certain creature that has died from water pollution?
- What are organisms that live in extremely hot or salty water?
- Do cold blooded animals live in water?
- What type of animals live in still water but not fast moving water?
- Can killer whales live in freshwater?
- What is the most important reason that rivers have different kind of animal life than oceans have?
- What makes a trout trout?
- How do some marine animals use sound in water?
- How do salmon locate the stream they migrate to?
- What proportion of the water an animal will not survive losing?
- Is the trout bigger than salmon?
- How does a water boatman adapt to water?
- How did lampreys move from ocean to lake?
- What are the two primary rivers in Australia?
- What animals are in fresh water?
- How many trout die a year?
- Where does the oxygen come from that aquatic organisms need?
- Is the frilled shark a vertebrate?
- Why aquatic animals cannot breathe when they are on land?
- How do king salmon reproduce?
- Do sturgeon live in the ocean?
- What fishes eat halfmoon fish?
- How do phosphate levels affect river water quality?
- What will happen to aquatic life if the water they live in becomes too warm?
- Why do hippos spend most their time in water?
- What organisms use gills to breathe oxygen?
- How long does a great white shark live in the wild?
- Do you find catfish in the ocean?
- How well does sound travel through water?
- What is an estuary animal life?
- What are three autotrophs found in an estuary?