- How heavy can a white shark become?
- What is unique about a shark teeth?
- How many vertebrae does a bony fish have?
- What is the current great white shark population?
- How big is a school of fish?
- Is canned salmon considered to be wild salmon?
- Why are there so many fish in the world?
- What can fishes with jaws do that without cant?
- Are Half of the 369 shark species are over 39 inches?
- How can sharks and dolphins breathe under water?
- How many miles do salmon migrate?
- How does a salmon live in fresh water when there young and migrate to seawater die water?
- How long can fish go without oxygen?
- How long does a dusky shark live?
- What is a sharks scientific name?
- What make electric eels so deadly?
- How man people do great white sharks kill a year?
- Why the gills of fishes are red?
- Who are the members of rock band Eels?
- Why are cartilaginous fish called fish?
- What is the average life span of a Moray eel?
- Why does your fish have a reddish nose and white patches?
- When is platy fish mating season?
- Do all fish breathe through gills?
- How long can a star fish survive out of water?
- How can sharks jump so high out of the water?
- What do little fish eat in the arctic?
- Is a small toothed whale tertiary consumer?
- Do starfish like living in warm water or cold better?
- When do eels reproduce?
- What does lake fishery mean?
- What is correct fish or fishes?
- Biotic and abiotic factors of a great white shark?
- What are some plants grown in water and eaten as food?
- What is the Life span of a great white shark?
- What kind of water can use in fighter fish?
- What is in lake water?
- Is shark a producers consumer or decomposes?
- How do fish survive in frozen lake?
- How long does the cutthroat trout grow?
- Is a shark mammal or reptile?
- What cold water fish can be kept together?
- What does the shark gill do?
- How big can the white sturgeon get?
- Are there bull sharks in lake michgan?
- How does a marine fish maintain water balance?
- Why is the whale shark in phylum of chordata?
- How does a great white shark keep warm or cool?
- Why are whale shark called shark?
- Can you put a fish in well water?