- How many whales are not extincted?
- What part of the ocean do gray whales live in?
- Why is water a good medium for communication between dolphins?
- What are the five freshwater dolphins?
- How does beluga whales stay warm in cold water?
- What is called the sound of Dolphin fish?
- Who called himself the king fish?
- How deep can average dolphins swim?
- How fast does a dolphin swim?
- How do dolphins hear underwater?
- How do hippos know to swim?
- How did whales begin living full time in the water?
- How did dolphin become being called porpoise?
- How are ocean dolphins and river alike?
- Do hippos live in water or on land?
- What is the name of Greek poet that was saved by a dolphin?
- Why do dolphins leap out from the water?
- How long can a whale hold breath?
- What is the difference between dolphin years and human years?
- Is a viperfish warm blooded or cold?
- Does a dolphin breath with gills?
- When did swimming with Dolphins start?
- What water do dolphins have to swim in?
- How do dolphins hunt for fish in deep or dirty water?
- How can you jump out of water like a dolphin while swimming?
- What is waterline?
- Do fish need carbon dioxide in order to survive?
- Do all porcupines float in water?
- What is the maximum age dolphin can live?
- Can dolphin babies swim when their born?
- Can you keep a bottle-nosed dolphin in your swimming pool?
- What sound does the dolphin make?
- How do sea otters swim?
- Why is a platypus semi-aquatic?
- What is the weight of beaked whale?
- Can a hippopotamus stay under water for as very long time?
- What are facts about the minotaur?
- How did Greek amphoras influence Brigiat Maltese?
- Why do fish find it easy to swim in water yet you hard walk through water?
- Do monk seals swim in shallow water?
- Why is a shark like dolphin but not fish?
- How many teeth do bottlenose dolphin have?
- Can a Platypus swim the Murray river?
- Is there a difference between human hearing and dolphin hearing?
- What TWO physical features does the platypus have when swimming?
- What is a semi aquatic mammal?
- What is the bottle-nose dolphin life cycle?
- Is a dolphin consetered fish?
- How fast can a Bottlenose Dolphin swin?
- What is the difference between a dolphin and tuna in terms of value their lives?