- What is preserved salmon?
- What hunt trout?
- What is difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon?
- What is a platy fish predator?
- Where does salmon come from?
- How does the pH level affect aquatic species in rivers?
- Where can you find a freshwater mussel shell buyer?
- Which are the animals that live in freshwater?
- How does the Atlantic cod protect itself?
- Where in England can you find salmon?
- How many different freshwater dolphins are there in world?
- Is a green moray eel warm or cold blooded?
- How many fish die a minute?
- What animals eat freshwater mussels?
- What is bigger cod or herring?
- What does a salmon breathe?
- How do crayfish drink waterHow they get the water into there bodys?
- What oceans are harp seals in?
- When was Estuarine Round-herring created?
- What do rainbow trout get eaten by?
- Partially enclosed coastal regions where freshwater meets and mixes with seawater are called?
- What animal lives in water but does not have gills like fish?
- How does a sea animal like dolphin survive in water without gills please give answer same Long?
- How is clean freshwater produced in nature?
- Where do Japanese fighting fish come from?
- How do know if a mussels are freshwater or not?
- What is the meaning of a aquatic animal?
- What does aquatic look like?
- Is trout a carnivore or an omnivore?
- What is the name of fish child?
- When do salmon swim upstream in Scotland?
- What lives in freshwater?
- What is the swim bladder in a fish?
- Does a devilfish have beak?
- Why whales swallow small boats?
- How deep do dolphins live in the ocean?
- Is a dolphin fish an amphibian or mammal explain?
- How many babies does a river dolpin have-how often?
- Where do whales live under water?
- How are whales well adapted to swimming?
- How fast do dolphins swim 100 meters?
- What time of birth winter dolphin?
- Is the Atlantic bottle nose dolphin a fish?
- Do dolphins live in the deep ocean or light one?
- How do whales breathe underwater or if they how can stay for such a long time?
- What is the reproduction of bottle nosed dolphin?
- What is the height for a harp seal?
- What type of water does a platypus live in?
- What was the life span of a sea mink?
- Why is a waterway called sound?