- Which fish spends four years at sea and then makes a long exhausting upstream journey to lay its eggs in the same freshwater creek where it was hatched?
- How much does a tetra fish weigh?
- How many fish are caught per year?
- What is a Stray fish?
- What is the Mercury level swai fish?
- Large ships that remove and process huge amounts of fish each year are called?
- How many pin bone in salmon?
- How do you use fish in a sentence?
- Which fish live in freshwater?
- What is the reactive force when a fish swims through water?
- Are milt lobe finned fish with paddle like fins?
- Samanoid species of fish in great lakes?
- How much does a bass fish weigh?
- What is the population of swordfish?
- What is the shark population?
- Where is the Dead Sea and why fish can not live in it?
- How is swimming accompolished in bony fish as compared to shark?
- How many children does a salmon have?
- What is salmon color?
- What does it mean when the fish in your aquarium lock their mouths?
- What is the name of a newly hatched fish?
- What fish can swim on back?
- Why does a male trout have long hooked mouth?
- Where do tunas live?
- Why is the queen angelfish state fish?
- Why should you not put fishes in boiled water?
- What kind of plants and animals are in the freshwater biome?
- Why do wild salmon taste better tham farm raised salmon?
- Is eel a shellfish or not?
- I have 2 fish 1 died do change the water?
- What fish can be put in a farm pond that eats only algae and live through the cold winter?
- Does the green moray eel live alone or in groups?
- How do most freshwater fish maintain water balance?
- An adult salmon that is heading upstream to spawn?
- Where can you buy fresh water eels?
- What ocean does the swordfish live in?
- What fish that can see above and below the water at same time?
- What is a freshwater fishtank?
- How many types of fishes are live together in freshwater aquarium?
- What depth swordfish live at?
- Which fish has the biggest gills?
- Which six-foot- long eel can swallow fish its own size whole?
- What do fish eat in lake?
- Do fish need water to breed?
- How do fish hear?
- What is the scientific name of a cape cod fish?
- Which four states are responsible for producing the most US farm-raised catfish?
- What a large eel is called?
- What colors atract fish?
- How many fishes in Ethiopia?