- How long does it take a fish to grow full size?
- Do you say fish get fished?
- Why shark cant survive in pond?
- What happens if a fish follows another fish?
- Why is the cherry salmon endangered?
- What month does salmon fish lay eggs?
- How is the body of fish adapted to swimming in water?
- How many fish get fished every year?
- Why is your fish swimming with its back out of water?
- What is the weight of an eel?
- How did state fish get its name?
- What would happen if a new special of catfish that filters water in order to eat microorganism was introduced into the pond ecosystem?
- Why do the fish have a swim bladder?
- Can a amphioxus swim as well an aquarium fish?
- What are puddle fish?
- What is the diminutive of salmon?
- Why fish swallow water?
- What type of water do redfish live in?
- How cold is water with a betta fish in it if just sitting at room temperature no heaters or anything?
- Why sharks have not become extinct?
- Are fish in the sea called marine or maroon animals?
- Can a fish live without one of its gills?
- What is the unique about salmon move to spawn?
- What percentage are humans fish?
- Why do fish lay down?
- How many brown trout are there?
- Is the Vinegar eel a parasite?
- How do you know if your convict fish is male or female?
- How is the gulper eel born?
- What kind of fish did the new England settles eat?
- How long does it live barreleye fish?
- Where does a trout fish fit in the food web?
- What is the most populous fish in world?
- What biblical vessel is part of a shark?
- What fish have iodine in it?
- Is a moray eel prey or predator?
- When do fish come out?
- How long do trout live?
- Where is the respiratory surface in a fish located?
- Are red tailed sharks fresh water?
- How do you tell the diffirance from a male or female Cory catfish?
- Is there sharks in lake Berryessa?
- Shark is to fish dolphin to?
- How does a fish shape helps it swim trough water?
- Why do fish flop when they are out of water?
- What is largest living fish?
- Is red salmon also called sockeye?
- What do tang fish eat?
- Do all fish swim in a horizantal position?
- Does a trout fish have backbone?