Your goldfish keeps floating to the top on its side what is wrong?

It sounds like your goldfish is experiencing a serious health issue. Here's a breakdown of possible causes and what you should do:

Possible Causes:

* Swim Bladder Disorder: This is the most common reason for goldfish to float on their side. The swim bladder helps them maintain buoyancy, and if it's malfunctioning, they can't control their position in the water.

* Infection: Bacterial or fungal infections can affect a goldfish's internal organs, leading to weakness and difficulty swimming.

* Constipation: If a goldfish is constipated, it can put pressure on their swim bladder and cause them to float.

* Water Quality Issues: Poor water quality (high ammonia, nitrates, or low oxygen) can stress a goldfish and make them more susceptible to disease.

* Injury: A physical injury could be impacting their ability to swim.

What to Do:

1. Isolate the Fish: Immediately remove the sick goldfish to a separate tank or container to prevent spreading any potential infection to other fish.

2. Observe Carefully: Note any other symptoms such as:

* Loss of appetite

* Rapid breathing

* Redness or swelling

* White spots or patches on the body

3. Check Water Parameters: Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels. Aim for:

* Ammonia: 0 ppm

* Nitrite: 0 ppm

* Nitrate: Below 20 ppm

* pH: 6.5 - 7.5

4. Provide a Clean Environment: Do a partial water change (25-50%) with dechlorinated water.

5. Consider a Fasting Period: Withhold food for 24-48 hours to help relieve constipation and give the swim bladder a chance to recover.

6. Consult a Veterinarian: If the goldfish's condition doesn't improve after 24-48 hours, it's crucial to consult a veterinarian specializing in fish. They can diagnose the underlying cause and provide the appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, anti-fungals, or other medications.


* Maintain Good Water Quality: Regular water changes, appropriate filtration, and avoiding overfeeding are essential.

* Balanced Diet: Feed a variety of high-quality goldfish food.

* Regular Tank Maintenance: Clean the tank regularly to remove waste and debris.

* Quarantine New Fish: Before introducing any new fish to your tank, quarantine them for several weeks to prevent the spread of diseases.

Remember: A goldfish floating on its side is a serious sign. Prompt action is critical to save your fish's life.