Can you put your small goldfish with guppies?

It's generally not recommended to put a small goldfish with guppies. Here's why:

* Different Water Parameters: Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures than guppies. This can lead to stress and illness for both fish.

* Dietary Needs: Goldfish are omnivores and can be messy eaters, while guppies are primarily insectivores.

* Aggression: Goldfish, even small ones, can be surprisingly aggressive, especially when hungry. Guppies are more delicate and can be easily injured.

* Waste Production: Goldfish produce a lot more waste than guppies, which can pollute the tank water and harm guppies.


* Keep the goldfish separate: A single tank for each species is the safest option.

* Consider other tank mates: There are other peaceful fish that are compatible with guppies, such as neon tetras, platyfish, and Corydoras catfish.

If you're determined to keep them together:

* Large tank: A very large tank with plenty of hiding places for the guppies can help reduce stress.

* Careful monitoring: Pay close attention to the fish's behavior. Separate them if you see any signs of aggression or stress.

* Regular water changes: Frequent water changes will help to keep the tank clean and the water parameters stable.

It's always best to do your research and choose compatible tank mates to ensure the health and well-being of your fish.